110. SUNDAY (Low/Quasimodo/Divine Mercy)
- NOTE: For instrumental parts for the Alleluia, see Easter Sunday.
111. MONDAY - Offertory same as Sunday
112. TUESDAY - Introit and Communion same as Monday; Offertory same as Sunday
Responsorial Psalm | Alleluia (use V. 3)
113. WEDNESDAY - Introit same as Monday; Offertory and Communion same as Sunday
Responsorial Psalm | Alleluia (use V. 4)
114. THURSDAY - Alleluia, Offertory and Communion same as Sunday
115. FRIDAY - Offertory and Communion same as Sunday
113. SATURDAY - Introit same as Monday; Offertory and Communion same as Sunday
Responsorial Psalm | Alleluia (use V. 1c)